Ceres Course Corrected ~ 9 Jul 2019

Happy Mercury retrograde! The critical apex of this communication reversal cycle occurs on 21 July where Mercury backs into the Cancer to meet up with the Sun. If you are Mercury retrograde compliant, and if you must, this day marks a favorable date for dealing with matters most mundane. The favorability stems from a direct alignment of Sun-Mercury-Earth. So if you need to take care of considerations that take care of you in a manner that only Cancer can foster, here’s your date.

Realizing that Mercury backtracks in conjunction with Mars in Leo, and if feeling the compulsion to get on with what you need to be getting on with despite this pesky influence, you could go for it. You could sign, agree, initiate or what have you. Realize also that whatever is signed will appear to have lemon juice sprinkled on it and held up to ultraviolet light more than once during the next few weeks. Such exposition reveals I’s undotted and T’s uncrossed. Immediately correct the grammar and punctuation. Once the ink dries, repeat the reconsideration.

Should you do one of these highly motivated personal pushes, recognize that clean up will most likely continue until Mercury returns to the degree of the current retrogradation. That marker occurs on 14 August with Mercury in Leo forming a grand trine with Ceres in Sagittarius and Chiron in Aries. Bumps and bruises can be assuaged, soothing balm that warms applied, and renewed vigor dedicated to all quests that speak to your well being and personal truth. Remember these are your truths and may not apply to all who enter your orbit. For added emphasis on the day of this Mercurial reset, Venus and the Sun stand conjunct in Leo, and not that far away is Mars, engaged in his Leo exit strategy. Yes, yes, get going with what you got to be grabbing and getting... especially in the realm of self development.

Let’s get back to Ceres. On 17 July Ceres turns direct barely in Sagittarius trine Mercury still in Leo by a hair. Resuming prograde motion, Ceres now focuses on her October rendezvous with Jupiter when she and he hover in between the Great Attractor and the Galactic Center. While this may not be the great reckoning - whatever that may imply - it certainly creates the realization of all underscoring realities, and prompts an escalation and acceleration of cosmic downloads benefitting from the nearby central galactic influences. Will you be ready to download come October?

To ensure readiness for October, consider a few new Ceres concepts. Astronomers believe that Ceres once orbited out in the Kuiper Belt, more or less in the vicinity of Pluto. As things evolved in our solar system, it is reckoned that Jupiter and his gravity escorted Ceres away from the Kuiper Belt and landed her in the asteroid belt - where she stands out as an anomaly because of her ice/water content - something the average asteroid does not possess.

What does this mean to you as an inhabitant of Earth? Well, Jupiter encourages all to carefully consider all engagement in life. Is this situation sitting at the fork of the road something to engage? If a struggle, is it a battle that can be won? Does it start a war, and if so, is that something from which you can personally emerge victorious? Jupiter grants new galactic insights constantly from now through the end of the year. Are you downloading Jupiter’s guidance? He does render the concepts required to conduct a successful advocacy for all inner and personal truth - what Ceres seems hell bent on declaring.

Jupiter points out that it takes time for others and the collective to wrap around new ideas. Instead of fighting under the auspices of conversion therapy, how about using the Ceres station to render constructive new concepts? When Mercury gets back around to joining Ceres next month, the ideas underscoring the new concepts and the belief systems behind them can be rendered and more immediately grasped. For now, present ideas, retreat to permit gestation.

Should others understand the hows and whys of the belief systems so adamantly proclaimed, greater receptivity instantly occurs. Certainly as Ceres bellows truths and beliefs for all to hear, in the short term, with all the Leo going on, people heavily invest thought and energy only into those things that blip their most personal radars. It is a time when one should not use shoulds or coulds in rendering declarations and opinions to others. In terms of diplomacy, whether personal or political, both cultures and alternate belief systems need to exist without diminishment, negation or disparagement prior to any observable progress.

As Jupiter stations on August 11th, he does so three days prior to Mercury and Ceres aligning again. Bear in mind Mercury served as Jupiter’s messenger in most of his decisions and declarations. Mercury stood out as particularly important in the Ceres-Pluto negotiations, which Jupiter eased. On Jupiter’s station he aligns with black holes in the middle of Sag. To summarize:

Walk your talk. If you can’t walk it, consider if you need to change talking points or walking manners. Could be either or both.

Learn from experts only. Forget about peer to peer. In this climate, extended wisdom and guidance is required. Not the lateral, “how’s it looking from over there?” point of view.

When asserting knowledge, know without a doubt that what you preach has been integrated in all manifestations of thought, word and deed. Miraculously, if your assertions have been integrated on all levels of your being, response from others will be more immediate and infinitely more favorable.

Realize when you go all Ceres and advocate your truth, it is entirely for your benefit. It is all about you. It is. As Jupiter stations, Mercury returns to Leo, Venus and the Sun commence a line up and Mars in Leo trines Eris in Aries. As Ceres turns, the heat turns up on the stove and issues of self that have been back burnered require more heat to thicken the pudding of the soul and to turn the plot of life forward in a positive manner. These are your personal process belongings.

Self confidence, self belief, self assurance, self affirmation and self insertion into life is demanded by these times. Shed false modesty. Ditch bombastic declarations. Come from the core of the soul and the undeniable truths that center within. That’s where movers and shakers groove.

More soon.